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If you are not using a Mac & can’t leverage netatalk software to drag and drop files onto your Raspberry Pi, you can copy over the mp3 files directly from GitHub by performing the following steps:

  • Log into your Raspberry Pi using the Terminal Program, PuTTY, or whatever you use to create an ssh session with your Pi over Wi-Fi.
  • At the prompt, create a new directory named sounds by entering the following command and pressing return (press return after each command is entered, below).
    mkdir sounds
  • Use the command below to change directories to the sounds directory:
    cd sounds

    You should see your prompt indicate that you are in /sounds

Now you’ll copy all of the files, issuing a single command to copy each .mp3 file. I don’t believe there is a single command to easily get all of the files, but please contact me if you have a better solution (Twitter: @gallaugher).

  • Enter the command below to copy the startup.mp3 file to the sounds directory:
    wget --no-check-certificate --content-disposition

    You should see a series of messages indicating that the file was copied successfully.

  • Enter the command below, starting with 0.mp3 (that’s a zero, not a letter), then after entering each command, change the last line to 1.mp3, 2,mp3, etc. until you’ve copied over 11.mp3, the last file for this project.
    wget --no-check-certificate --content-disposition
  • At this point you can verify that you’ve copied over all files by typing the ls command, below, to list all files in the sounds directory. This command should show 13 files, startup.mp3, plus files 0.mp3 through 11.mp3
  • You can return to the previous directory (which should be the default user directory when you log in as the “pi” user) by entering the cd or change directory command, followed by a space and two periods, as shown below.
    cd ..

At this point you should have all of the project’s .mp3 files in a sounds directory on your Raspberry Pi. Congrats!

Have you just stumbled across this tutorial? Find out more in the start document for this tutorial at:

the complementary build videos at:

or the Instructable at:

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